Category: Hanga | Create

Cyber smart : Files & folders Quiz .

This week in room 1 we are doing cyber smart , for cyber smart we had to do an Files & folders Quiz . For the quiz we had to answer some Questions  we know about how to file or know how to folders .  after that we had to submit it to see our total points and this is what I got!! . My total was 8/12 , Thank you for checking out my blog , Ka Kite!! .

Inquiry : Sound presentation

Talofa lava and welcome to my blog this term for inquiry we are learning about sound . Ariah , Kura and Nevaya had to present their presentation in front of the class . The one thing that I learned about this presentation when we were practising saying our slides is the body parts of the ear and what’s the body parts called . My low light for my presentation is that I wish I made more I contact and stood properly while I was saying my slides . Thank you , please leave a positive comment!! .

Maths : Number of the week .

Kia Orana and welcome back to my blog, this week for maths Rm 1 is doing number of the week , we have been very busy. As you can see I had to generate a number in order to fill in these pages. I also had to make my own word problem. So make sure you leave a positive comment and have a good week. Ka Kite , Thank you!