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Cyber smart : Files & folders Quiz .

This week in room 1 we are doing cyber smart , for cyber smart we had to do an Files & folders Quiz . For the quiz we had to answer some Questions  we know about how to file or know how to folders .  after that we had to submit it to see our total points and this is what I got!! . My total was 8/12 , Thank you for checking out my blog , Ka Kite!! .

Maths : Number of the week .

Kia Orana and welcome back to my blog, this week for maths Rm 1 is doing number of the week , we have been very busy. As you can see I had to generate a number in order to fill in these pages. I also had to make my own word problem. So make sure you leave a positive comment and have a good week. Ka Kite , Thank you!

Drama : Santas trap .

This term for our DLO is drama , this is my group , in my group we have Nunu , Joshua , shalom and Levi . our play was about Santa’s trap . in our play we all had a character to act out as , Nunu was Amy , joshua was Santa , shalom had to act out two characters she was Michael and Sophie , Levi was Dylan and I had to play as Tania , our play was about 5 evil little kids trapping Santa because they never get presents from him . Here is my play please check it out . Thank you !!!

Cybersmart challenge : Sharing with others

This week for Cybersmart we are doing Sharing with others for this challenge we had to take a photo by yourself , a photo with your teacher , a photo with your friends and a photo with a famous person , Here is my Cybersmart challenge please check it out . Thank you .